A Poem about Another Russia in a Parallel World
Animation on MakersPlace
A Poem about Another Russia in a Parallel World, looped animation with audio, mp4, 00:00:50:00, 3840 × 2160, 29,97 fps, Adobe After Effects
Available at: https://makersplace.com/sophiakornienko/a-poem-about-another-russia-in-a-parallel-world-1-of-1-325356/
I wrote this poem back in 2015, when Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was shot on a Moscow bridge very close to the Kremlin. To me, the very fact that this was possible marked a tipping point in my native Russia's contemporary history. Even though I had moved to Western Europe years before, the murder of the charismatic Boris Nemtsov wounded me so deep I couldn't sleep for weeks.
I wrote this poem on one of those sleepless nights. The poem describes another Russia, existing somewhere out there, in an infinite multitude of parallel worlds. Another Russia, where Boris Nemtsov did become president, where there is no fear hanging in the air, where no one screams into the gaping emptiness. Another Russia, where lovers kiss right next to the Kremlin (Nemtsov was on a date with his girlfriend when he was shot) and catch Nemtsov's eye as he walks home from work every evening.
7 years later, Russia invaded Ukraine almost on the same day Nemtsov was killed, at the very end of the shortest month of the year. I have decided to turn my poem into an animation, as a gift of love and hope for all my friends who dare to stand up against the war.
You can hear my voice reading the poem if you turn the sound on.
Вы знаете?
Где-то на небесах
Есть Россия, где правит Боря Немцов
В каком-то одном из бесконечного множества параллельных миров
В том,
Где из атмосферы выпарен страх
В зияющую пустоту
Не кричат оставшиеся в живых человеки
Влюбленные держатся за руки на мосту
И прямо напротив Кремля
Целуются в губы и веки
И всякий раз,
Когда им встречается Боря Немцов,
Возвращающийся с работы домой,
Они не опускают глаз
Не прячут лицо
А ловят борин задорный взгляд
Как солнечный луч прямой
март 2015