The 2023 season of the UnschoolingFuture Podcast was devoted to children on the internet, their digital rights and access to information.

It's because I’m writing and illustrating FREE TO BROWSE, a comics journalism project in progress about coming of age online.

It delves into the stories of vulnerable teens, including my transgender son, for whom the internet has served as a crucial lifeline. 

Expected in 2025!

Free to Browse with Bill Budington and Jason Kelley (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
Education, Media, Technology, Society, Future Sophia Kornienko Education, Media, Technology, Society, Future Sophia Kornienko

Free to Browse with Bill Budington and Jason Kelley (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

What are the main concerns about the newly introduced Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA)? What are the stumbling blocks on the way to tech literacy and proficiency? Why, in the 21st century liberal West, do we see so much talent and resources going into surveillance tech and what strategies will today’s young minds pick to survive this phase in the internet’s development? Is it just a phase? To quote my son Simon, "I still find it astonishing that it's a privacy law that kids should not have any privacy”.

For this episode, I sat down with the digital freedoms nonprofit Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). I hope you enjoy this conversation with Bill Budington, senior staff technologist on EFF's Public Interest Technology team and Jason Kelley, EFF’s associate director of digital strategy.

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Why We Are Leaving Europe
Sophia Kornienko Sophia Kornienko

Why We Are Leaving Europe

I usually say our family are educational refugees. We have had to move countries to be able to homeschool and we are about to move across the Atlantic to be able to continue unschooling. We are seeking refuge from Europe’s bulging institutional control over learning and development as we want our children to continue self-directing their learning process.

In May 2022, Marta Obiols Llistar is releasing the second, updated edition of her beautiful book 18, An Unschooling Experience, this time in Spanish under the title #vidasincole. I’m honored to have been asked to write the closing chapter, Carta de mi amiga. In this audio fragment, you will hear me read my chapter, Letter from My Friend, in English. The “letter” briefly tells our family’s story and explains why we’re leaving Europe.

If you want to listen to the whole conversation, please go to The UnschoolingFuture Podcast, Season 2 Episode 9: Migration and Learning

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